T: +352 26 44 59 1 | E: contact@pla.lu


PL&A, Pochon Lawyers & Associates is a law firm active in Corporate business law, incorporation, domiciliation and administration of companies, as well as Family Officer services.

Our understanding of our clients’ business practices together with our know-how and practical skills enable PL&A to provide a full range of legal services to both national and international corporate clients and individuals.

One of our highest priorities is our confidential relationship with our clients as this helps us to maintain our clients’ trust and confidence.

Each relationship starts with a single point of contact allowing us to avoid confusion. A distinctive expert team is built around afterwards to find the best approach and optimal solutions to the situations that clients face nowadays.

We strongly believe that our clients’ success is our success.

Our book

L'ETAT DU GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG by Marc Feyereisen et Brigitte Louise Pochon

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